Friday, April 29, 2005

Band of the Hand

Recent contributors to the Doghouse site posted this:

So James White is the bad guy that wants your money, and Bono is the opposite? Hmmm...

To which the all-too-serious MacMan of the Doghouse replied:

Yes, though Mister White would argue the point (he'll argue any point) that any of his scratchy Mp3 diatribes is more music to his own flaired ears than anything Bono has done yet.

I once asked him if he ever listening to any real music (as opposed to Steve Camp who an immense blueberry and will be in the upcoming remake of Willy Wonka as Augustus Gloop) like Peter Gabriel? He began to argue with me that Peter and Gabriel were two different people in the Bible.

I agreed with him.

He then said I "didn't agree" with him because that put him in an impossible position and since ultimate truth is propositional and an impossible position is not possible, it was therefore I who disagreed with him even though, as I said, I agreed with him and was actually talking on a another track about a real musician and artist and not a no-talent loser like Camp.

So we agreed to disagree, once I agreed to be the one who was wrong because "White is Always Right".

I'd have a bumper sticker made of that but people would think whoever put one on their car was an arrogant white supremicist ass, when in fact...well you see the point.

I am going to create one on Cafe Press that says "In the Degree, but not Of the Degree: The James White Story."

I just wanna point out that WHITE (who shall hitherunto be referred to simply as "Mr. Boweeval" is charging $5 a piece for his little blue braclet (gosh shouldn't it be red?).

Bono's also has Bands (checkit here). Ironically, they are White and say "One"...but omigosh...they are just a buck?

Mac would say one was "divisive" and the other "uniting". He is far too serious. He needs to loosen up. I mean his whole "mirroring" thing with White was far too gracious (I did like the first post though). I would have simply hired some thugs in Arizona to find White's one-room office and fill it with pig manure and put fresh urinal disks in his AMC Gremlin.

Dr. Thompson's favorite Warren Zevon song was "Lawyers, Guns and Money." White's version (done by Steve Camp) is "Arrogance, Shame and Money".

"No Compromise?" How about "White Is Right" ... or better..."No Sale?"

And Jesus Never Stops Throwing Up

Posted by Hello


Blogger kotamaris said...

I just don't understand why God would want to be feared, Scott. Where's the Love in that?

3:53 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Well Scott, I can see why you would not want to argue since you have nothing to say. To argue would mean you might have to state an opinion about something said and not be the quivering bowl of judgmental jello that you are

Do not feel sorry for me. I am just a fictitious character. I exist only in cyberspace. You, on the other hand have some serious anger issues.

Your "sentencing" will come in a few minutes. I ned to deliberate and study further.

4:22 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said... is your sentencing/perscription:

For wishing insomnia on another human being, and actually asking a loving God to do this, you are ordered to spend three hours of community service in a mental institution. And you have to be nice, or I shall sentence you an an our with your head in a bucket of pirannha fish.

You are also ordered to wear one of James White's arbands around your scrwny neck until you turn slightly blue (less than the band) and have an epiphany.

Lastly, you are so ordered to stop projecting your own hate onto others, to summarily "lighten up" grow a conscience, and get a new shirt. That one really sucks.


4:32 PM  
Blogger kotamaris said...

Scott, you are damned by your own words.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Oh Scotty!!!!

We have some treats for you!

Dang, I slept like a baby last night...Yawn...let me know when you crawl out from under your old truck.

10:12 AM  

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