Let the Beatings Continue!
The Ruler of all that is true and good in America
This utter newbie who was born probably after the Vietnam conflict was over and has never served in the armed forces (just like his hero Dubya) has the utter audacity to write the following:
Our previous wars were won with tanks, but those tanks only had the staying power provided by the moral will of Americans back home. We didn't lose Viet Nam because it was a ground war, we lost it because we gave up. We lost the will to fight.
First of all, Napoleoan Assomite, we did not use tanks primarily in Vietnam. We used airpower.
We had no good reason to be there and it was, but the way, Liberal Democrats who landed us there. We lost the "moral will" because it was an immoral war. We were never attacked and the majority of the populace of this democracy saw that and protested the loss of innocent American lives and the destruction of a whole country.
Of course, you would just gas them or turn hoses on them in the true spirit of American freedom. What a Patriot!
The difference in this current conflict is that the tragedy of blaming soldiers for an immoral war is not being repeated.
The soldiers of Vietnam were treated horribly on their return. The accountability for the gross errors in judgement by Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and the Pentagon fell on them.
Shameful and wrong.
We are not repeating that mistake. Our soldiers are heros and often martyrs for your political agenda as you sit snug in Hollywood.
If you see Vietnam as a lack of "moral will" then you will support this war to the ends of the earth.
Blood on your hands and all who support it.
It's the "Pax Americana" and the answer is the same here as it was in Rome.
Pop Quiz for the day....ask Doug a rational question and see if he answers or shames you, or just breaks off communication when asked?
Tomorrow...more fun with Missing Link Doug!
hmmmmm....don't mess with the fingertips of MM, they are on fire and don't even have time to smoke.
I know, i seen it in action.
Poor Napolean guy, hasn't got a chance.
I will have my fingers over my eyes peaking through them.
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