Sunday, May 08, 2005

Stupid Fundagelical Tricks 138

Here is a "Church" that has excommunicated it's Democratic members.

Almost too bizarre to even comment on.

When someone leaves a steamy hunk of poo on your rug...and does it right in front of you, shock is a normal emotion.

Read the story here.

The guy at Daily Kos offers a reasoned and very respectful way of responding. I suggest you all take it. As for me, I figure we get some bricks and baseball bats and go down to Carolina and "explain" things to these Fascist inbred bastards (oops...that may be an oxymoron...oh what they hell... we are dealing with ubermorons anyway).

P.S. I thought it was just West Virginia that was utterly inbred. Posted by Hello


Blogger New Life said...

Dear Maugham,

WV? Hey one of your neighbors or new coffee buds may be from WV, right? :) LOL!!! You are busted!!!

Let's hook up next week for some coffee and I'll torture you for making fun of the inbreds. :)

Great to find something here.

IT's all good, jesus still loves you, but I am his favorite.


8:18 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

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8:59 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

I am actually from Kentucky, which is worse.

I like the bumper sticker (see the new series soon) "Jesus Loves You, the Rest of Us Think You are an Asshole".

Well pussy-Mac says you are a good guy and I shd lay-off.


If he did not buy on most occasions I would hunt you down and the beatings would begin.

Are you from West Virginia? That must be very an LSD and jalapeno enema administered while jogging.

9:07 AM  

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