Thursday, May 05, 2005

Here is Scott

A non-entity with no thoughts, posts or viable members. Posted by Hello


Blogger kotamaris said...

I guess it's a compliment to you, Maugham, that Scott was so incensed by your writings and compelled to comment he actually went to the trouble of signing up for a blog. A fine job, Doctor! Keep up the good work. Cheers!

11:07 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Naw..Scott is just a colonic Blogfart. gas gas gas. Like dinosaur bones urping up from the gaseous bowels of the compacted earth..long since irrelevant bones, violence and lostness that the greedy dredge up for a new round pollution, flith and usury.


12:55 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...



No substance. How utterly SCOTT!

7:54 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Okay. First, has anyone suggested you get "shoes"? not walk through dirt in your bare feet and without shoes (if you get them).

Third, anything in "my face" would have to be spoken and your only "word" is "blah" which does not give you much latitude (not to mention any depth or substance).

Scott...If you have anything at all to say, just do so. But just saying "Blah" is stupid and boring.

Grow a life. Get help.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

If I was not worth your time you would not write and post you doorstop idiot.

James White has never written me except to call me "sir" which is his way of turning tail and running like the sad loathsome dog he is. He is an utter coward.

Have you gotten help with your sexual addiction?

Mac is a good guy and most know this. I am not. I will beat you with a lead pipe if you so much as render anything or any filth other than "Blah Blah" (which is your mindset).

Make a statement of any kind and come get a good beating.

You are a wanker and a coward and you have a severe case of athelete's feet even thought you never exercise.

9:41 PM  
Blogger martha said...


First off, you have no right to damned anyone to hell, God does that, which shows that you obviously believe you are as pure as God to say such a thing.

Secondly, Please stop attempting to make Malraux sound so carnal and evil, when i KNOW that what goes on in the chatroom is just as carnal, you folk like to rip and shredd people apart while you sit in a place where ONLY those who abide and submit can go so that your leader can be 'himself' which is usually a degrading remark about people. Yes i can see what people are saying if they are reading this in the chatroom (don't worry i won't cut and paste, however i know the double standard that occurs) you would never know who i am as you look up and down in the nick names box.

Thirdly, you have shown no evidence of this tearing mac apart, which tells me that you are listening to what others are sayig, which then tells me you don't think for yourself.

Fouth, well, i will admit that i kinda think Mac and Malraux are the same person, however i would like to know why you approve of your hero being two different people (the godly person on the outside- blogs books BUT, on the inside carnal and self boasting)
But, i guess that follows with the double standard your hero endorses


4:55 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Those are some interesting observations, and you are well named.

The key issue with these folks is "shame". They are shame-based, not faith based.

Paul taught that the abiding "values" were faith, hope and love...the greatest being...well, you know.

Shame is another matter. It is a bullying tactic and that is one of many things that Scott and his hero are. You note well that neither Scott nor James White have ever offered a substantive argument to either myself or Dr. Malraux.

They simply make threats, and usually invoke Divine punishment by God or really slimy accusatiuons that come solely from their own hearts.

I have searched around the Internet and found a long list of folks who have had run-ins with White. In most every case I can find this same "shaming" tactic is used. One poor Mormon theologian had months of letters back in forth in which he was quite civil and respectful (even compassionate at times) while White ignored any real substance and just tried to bully the man down.

More in a bit.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...


er what chat rooms do these vipers congregate in? Like White I love division and battle just for the insane sake of it. I'll cleave that Fox in two and scatter his minions like the tiny pods of poop that they are.

Leave Mac out. He's a wuss. He has the disease of compassion which none of these dickheads can fathom or understand. They are like foxes with their tails tied together. Ravenous beings who feed on hate alone until the carcass left at the end is their own.

And note that they turn on their own. They are the only species that feast upon their own kind.

Kinda sick if you think about it.

Mac! You are a wuss! Go find a safe place and do whatever it is you do. I will beat these bastards with a lead pipe.

Call me for coffee. Sorry about the wuss thingy..but you are.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Good Doctor,

You are clearly feeling your oats this morning.

Scott seems to think you are a flamer and that everyone who lives in San Francisco is gay. That true?

(yeah yeah...I know..those who persecute are the most afraid of it in themselves..but really...didn't you try and hit on me that one night in the Haight?)

Please, go easy on Scott. Hhe might burn up in the atmosphere. Hhe is just a lad.

8:03 AM  
Blogger kotamaris said...

This was the best read I had with my morning coffee in ages! I love you guys!

10:08 AM  
Blogger martha said...

Hello Mac,

You understand it quite well. It is shame and deliberate isolation that leaves one always questioning thier faith, which of course i believe is what they want one to do.
You see, Mac, they are more into evagelizing a 'theology' rather than the Gospel. They feel thier theology is the only theology that expresses the Gospel correctly, which of course is stupid, but they have definatly made themselves the only holders to the 'true' Gospel.
With that kind of a mindset they are making sure that 'they' stay pure and keep anyone who is not of the same 'theology', away or unable to express their thoughts without being rebuked and ultimately shunned and isolated.
There is no grace what so ever, because they are protecting the truth. Which of course is stupid because God is very capable of keeping his truth pure without us lowly people.

So, with this mindset they have, they feel that they have 'special' grace in which they can mock and degrade people in thier little chatroom. Because after all, even if these folk they mock are brethren, still these brethren do not hold to the same 'theological' belief of the Gospel. So these brethren are not given the grace that the theologically pure get or demand. the thing is, one time someone whom James White actually helped in becoming a Christian (he was from a cult) was even appalled at what he was seeing in the chatroom, this person expressed in the chatroom that mocking a brother, even if they may differ is not the right thing to do. Mr. White expressed that the person doesn't know the 'whole' story so the person should mind thier business.
In my opinion there is no such thing as the 'whole' story in which we are given to special privy to mock our brethren.

The interesting thing with this person who James helped turn to Christ, he said that he was saddened to see how Mr White turned out, he said Mr. White was not so degrading of others years ago.

So, i see as shame and ego being the two vices that cripples the testimony of James White.

My observation, for what its worth

10:49 AM  
Blogger martha said...

Dr. Malraux,

I don't give out chatroom names, besides they have made thier room a 'secret' room so that they can control the 'impurity' that may come into thier ivory tower chatroom. However, i think if you wanted to search you would be able to figure out how to find it.

I am not one who likes to cause purposeful division. I speak freely here because i am able to. I am praying that reconcilation can occur and that James White will at least take a good look at himself and make honest evaluation.
He has contantly made others do it, it is time he took some time and did the same. That is all i am hoping for.
I am not even looking for a big public thing, just a private self examination and adjust where need be.

Plus, i am a bigger wus than Mac, i will be honest and say that you do scare me, and as much as Mr White may have it coming to him, i just can't bring myself to be the one to cause pain. Maybe displaying to much grace is not all that great, but, i am one who knows the grace that has been bestowed upon me, and i also believe in showing grace to the ugliest of uglies. Can't say i am 100 percent successful, but, i do take a moment to think before i speak.

Hope you have a happy day

11:05 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...


That is an extremely mature and gracious approach. I wish more Christians were like you.

Doc is scary when it comes to words, but a funny guy in person. I have a long history of such types...from the Infamous Hogboy, Rodan, Scrotor, etc...They are all gruff on the outside, but sweet on the inside.

You are probably right to not let him in on the sites as he is utterly fearless and the beatings would commence immediately.

I am not sure of the exact lingo, but I imagine he would track them down "like wild dogs" or something like that.

7:11 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

On your earlier post...yes...shaming and ego. I had originally thought greed as well (the whole love boat cruising), but the fine gentleman who books his cruises took me gently to task on that and assured me that was not the case. I believe him (though the latest wristband incident with 500 percent markup brings this into question).

When I was back in the Apologetics biz I remember well the temptation to such ego. Some of it begins as a self-protective device as you do not want to look foolish in front of a room of people. But later it becomes almost a spiritual bloodlust...and by crudely dismembering and them shaming an "opponent" (you are actually suppose to also always love him or her)you repudiate the very "Good News" you are meant to deliver. Every one is disgusted by it...believers and unbelievers alike.

I did a public forum a number of years ago with Young Life and Campus life at CSUS and a large group of folk came out to fire questions at me. To their utter surprise (and many of them were angry) I was not angry and often agreed with various folk about the hypocrisy of the Church at large. It was amazing to see hwo the mood of the crowd changed. One young Muslim came up after and told me "While we do not agree, you clearly listened to my points and considered them. And I will therefore consider yours." Then he shook my hand and we both smiled.

30 minutes before he had started by throwing insults my way. What a change!

Which brings up the issue of power. Jesus who was the most powerful gave up power (kenosis) to meet us. You will not find him ever trying top win and intellectual argument. In fact, he often resorts to odd parables and stories that were deliberately obscure.

His most pointed words are for the self-righteous religionists...which should be, therefore, our most self-reflective fear. You seem to exhibit this Christ-like quality. James White decidedly does not.

And that goes back to the war-like nature. Christians have always beent he brightest witnesses when they died for their faith, not when they kill for it. And that goes for mental and spiritual abuse every bit as much as physical harm.

I look forward to your comments.

7:25 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

You are wrose than a wuss. I count on you to be a wingman (because you are big, not because you are smart) but if you go all sentimental on me I will catch you at an odd moment and make you pay. Don't screw with me. I would never hit on are overweight and too old. Hit the gym ass.

Now I am off to find these secret chat rooms. When I do, literary blood will run in the streets. Yee-Hah!

For anyone who rats out a location I will send you a Maugham Malraux Hat from mac's site and I will make him pay for it!

No boutros, no homo

7:37 AM  
Blogger martha said...

Spiritual and mental abuse is by far worse than ego and shame, though ego and shame is the driving force.

Jesus was very aware of peoples insecurities and he never once fed off the insecurities, he actually accepted them totally. I have thought much about when Jesus went to the party at Matthews home, considering the business Matthew was in i think there were all sorts of people, prostitues, homosexuals, drunks, whatever else constitutes the words 'sinners' in the eyes of the pharisees.
Dare i suggest that these folk had quite a time with Jesus? I mean i know me before my conversion and i know any Christian who was in my company i would turn up the carnality a bit more.
So think about it, maybe the prostitute revealed her breasts to Jesus, or the Homosexual man making advances to Jesus.(is this going to far?) But, not once did he express disgust, but acceptance. But his way of accepting was not by participating in their advances but in him not addressing the issues, he just talked to them. Because Jesus knew these people knew they were sinners, and so when Jesus is confronted he says he comes for them not the pharisees who have it all together. He wanted to be with them! He didn't tell them to change, he just loved them. He lifted them up, he showed the value of who they are. Those who saw this vividly i believe did change, even if it just was in intellect where when they looked at themselves they desired something better and realized they could be something better. FINALLY someone of spiritual authority saw thier worth! Gee, i just breakdown with that thought. (hope that made sense to you)

This is the Jesus we are to follow and abide in and unfortunately for folk like James White it seems to fall by the wayside. Mr. White sincerely believes he is doing work of Jesus. He sees anything negative of him concerning his 'ministry' is actually a way of suffering for the sake of Jesus. So, even when people confront him he sees it as being persecuted because of the truth.
Yet, he needs to cover himself. He will keep a file of all the negative remarks people have made to him and use it as he sees fit, he actually feels this gives him the right to shame and isolate people. because they hurt him.
Mr. White cannot see that he is actully suffering from the 'its all about me' syndrome. (which we all fall into from time to time)

You read his blog and most of the time he is answering someones blog because his name was mentioned, or, he has a debate and the otherside expresses any weakness in his debating on their website. He even will critique (spelling) someones blog who he feels has had a dislike to him so obviously that blog entry had to be addressed to him.
He has lost focus and heart and nobody in his little abode of a chatroom will address him or if they have i am sure they are told to mind thier business, which of course expresses to the person that they just could be isolated from thier little 'family' if they pursue, and the saddest part they will stop addressing the issue.
So, even though his followers will not admit it they are being shamed and isolated in which they are also mentally and spiritually abused.

What do you think?
sorry i was long winded, but i am very concerned about all this and my heart does sadden for Mr. White. If it is a pride before the fall thing, there will be a extremely hard fall and the pain that brings is more than one can bare. This is from someone who has been there. God will rebuild but still the fall is hard and deep.

So, the maturity you you compliment me with comes with a price, looking back now, i would not change a thing because God then worked his heart into my heart.
Know what i mean?

3:52 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

I'm turning Grace over to Mac at the Doghouse. I do not deal with rational people who have a conscience and are totially into the real J-man thingy. Frankly you scare me (there ya go). Mac scares me sometimes. Fortunate for me I am younger, faster and I know how to exploit his wuss side.

I am forwarding your post to Mac and he can do with it what he wants. But this place is for beatings alone...well, beatings and exposing posers and idiots.

You are obviously neither and therefore an immediate threat where men like White are just fodder.

I want to say something nice but I do not know how. But if I did, I would. You are cool. Now get lost. You and Mac can have a wuss fest.

4:42 PM  

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