Talking Out Both Ends
The cartoon character did not fall far from the tree. Doug TenNapel is Mr. Blik.
TenNapel in usual form:
Thousands of humans are being killed by this disaster...we actually know about the's just that we don't care (and should continue not to care).
I saw a bunch of humans trying to rescue a human woman who would not leave if they would not also rescue her damned dog. My suggestion is that rescue workers should immediately shoot these animals in the head so their owners will be free to leave. It's not mean, mean is rescuers wasting their time on animals at the cost of rescuing humans. Resources are tight, and it is immoral to spend them on pets.
Thousands died or will die because of incompetence by the Federal Government. Note that Doug & Co. will join the "blame-game" and blame the victims and not the incompetence of the Bush Administration or FEMA.
In the months to come they will ignore all the facts, the timeline, the real issues as the do again and again. It's self-brainwashing and political narcissism. They cannot tell the truth.
If they did they would collapse like the house of cards they are...all image, bluster, attack-oriented. They put all their energy into the spin and shame cycle.
Nothing comes clean.
And you pay the bill. Now, later, or maybe with your life.
Here is the irony. I think Doug is right that we should be more concerned with human life than pets. But his usual advocacy for violence ("shoot them") is damned funny coming from the creator of "Catscratch", a Nickelodeon show about pets.
Fucking hypocrite. Doesn't mind playing that card when it fills his wallet, or feeds his own family. No, his pets eat just fine.
But shoot them bastard pets down south.
Case in point. Fusionaddict refuses to see what even the most uneducated American knows. They knew the storm was coming and did not respond until days after the devastation. The administartion that is so tough on terror and so going to "protect us" has done neither and continues to wallow in incompetence and cost more lives every day they exist in power.
Blaming state or local officials is stupid in the wake of the Federal Government's incompetence.
If the Bish Administration had suceeded in meeting this horrible disaster head on I would be the first to laud them. They didn;t and they continue to gum up the whole process of helping people in real need.
Want less government? Let's start with dismantling FEMA and getting Bush and his thugs out of office. The regular American people are far more qualified as is shown by their efforts for Katrina Disaster relief.
Caming up later "The Newt with His Head in the Sand."
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