The Beatings continue part 4...the Finale
Even a cursory places of Golding's Lord of the Flies as an overlay reveals Doug Tennapel as the character of "Jack". He is the leader and minions like FusionAddict, aka Javajerk, aka Rand, are much like "Roger". Savage and irrational.
They have banned anyone who dissents or questions them from their "Island" after their own shaming and blaming proved to be an ineffective means of control.
This is mob mentality, pure and simple.
Anyway, after dissent, it is best to leave them to their own devices to devour one another.
"Jack"'s own brand of "Christianity" is dangeous. It is nationalistic and promotes violence and war. In one email, he said that he "loved war" and being judgmental.
As with all Fundamentalism, this has two do with two key issues: Fear and Control. These inevitably lead to violence. It is not a suprise that many in the current administration use these very same tactics to justify any action. "The ends justify the means." We have seen this before and it is insane.
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