Monday, August 29, 2005

Meet Johannes Climacus

AKA...Soren Kierkegaard.

Martha brings up a good point about both Christendom and also pseudonyms.

Kierkegaard's most famous fictitious character was Johannes Climacus, who published several works, some of which were his most famous.

Climacus was not a believer, but rather a skeptic like myself and was used as a literary devise for Kierkegaard's more comical works. In the words of Climacus "where there is life there is contrdiction, where their is contradiction the comic is present."

More in a bit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You speak with forked tongue kemosabe (however it is spelled).

Be honest in the purpose of this blog. It was to expose a particular guys approval of publice character assination just because somebody disagrees with him. Then Maug plays the same card and he is shit on.
This particular guy even gave full name and a website.
A honest person would just say 'a guy has been emailing me and this is the crap i got to put up with' but NO that would be to much integrity for this particular guy.

You have enough dishonesty you need to fess up to before you start pointing fingers.

until you can be honest i see no reason for people to believe anything you say.

Stop pretending to be honest when you are not.

Doublestandards, hate it!

6:17 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

JJ- Of course I do not have a tenth of his brilliance. That goes without saying. But I have been reading him since 1978. You alive then?

Lewis, in his epistles back and forth between Wormwood and Screwtape are literary characters.

Kierkegaard published whole volumes of books AS Johannes Climacus, who did NOT believe and was an alternate voice..a philosophical one. As far as the public knew, Johannes Climacus had no connection to Kierkegaard, who wanted distance from that character for his own reasons.

This did not prevent SK from attack Christendom, but he often did that under his own name and directly. His work as Climacus was known as "Indirect Communication," and served a very specific purpose, as do I.

So, was Climacus smartert than me? Oh yes. But not funnier.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Well I feel better knowing you are over 18. Now which Kierkegaard books have you read?

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


No i am not lying about my motives. I saw the invite and really thought there would be discussion.

I came along about 2 days later and saw a thread that was all set for the kill, Doug began it himself.
I really find it rather pathetic that you tell Maug how he has been ranting, when on the forum thread that is just what you were doing! However people can't see that thread can they?
It isn't a conspiracy theory it is about doublestandards and honesty.

From you last reply at least people can see a 'tiny' bit of who you are. You are finally agreeing and supporting what i have been saying. Yay! You are starting to come clean!

Ummm.....i believe in my reply to javajerk that i have every right to try to login to the forum. I got in, i let people know who i was. I was HONEST.
I was hiding nothing.
Infact i have not replied once on the forum and just read. Of course i get curious when you talk about me. And again they are distorted.

There is someone in that forum who has said that i came to purposely condemn and that is a boldface lie!

Mac did try to start another thread and begin discussion yet your folk didn't want to participate.

INFACT, the thread lambasting Mac was closed, then it was opened why?
Because people were having fun! I mean you folks on that forum.

Fussionadddict, i am finding you giving lie after lie concerning this incident. If you just come clean and admit the intention of inviting Mac was not for 'discussion' but to lambast him things could go much better.

Do you want me to list your lieS to Macs ONE lie? I can, i like lists, they put things in a nice order. Don't you think?

Yet, the most encouraging part is, that we are starting to see just who you are. As i recall, when you first came here to post you gave a more 'angelic' look? I mean you did call him an ass, but you still gave the impression that you wanted discussion. But no, it turns out you were lieing.

I never called Doug or anyone evil, i call your actions evil.

Since you are a follower of Jesus you should know that we are not exchange evil for evil, but evil for good.

Which means no matter how hard it can be we at all costs should take the better road.

I am TRYING to do that, i am TRYING not to character assinate, cause i could, i really could. Yet, that temptation is my issue in which i must struggle with.

You seem to let your flesh guide you more than the Spirit.

Doublestandards, i hate it!

10:43 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

This is not entirely inaccurate, but some parts are. The first email came in response to Doug on Cindy Sheehan calling him a moron for , well (tit for tat) called her a moron.

What is not commonly recognized is that what so inflamed the situation was not Doug's disagreement, but his violent suggestion that Sheehan and others be hosed down like Birmingham and be sprayed with DDT outside Bush's compound.

See Doug feels it "moronic" for a woman who has lost a son in a brutal and uneccessary war, based on lies, to want some accountability. Mac felt it "moronic" that it be openly suggested by Doug that she be gassed and hosed down in a free and open democracy where we have a Bill of Rights.

The fact that a self-avowed Christian artist would advocate open violence was offensive.

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fusionadddict, This all BEGAN when Doug posted a email with Mac name and website on his blog. Not the other way around.
I am looking at the first 3 posts of Maugs

First post - really no character assination. Pretty much why Maug has begun to post on the topic.

Second post - Made fun of Dougs name, could be considered character assination, but so is Lefty Christian
Then Maug gives a list of what will happen during this debate/argument. Which turns out to be true. Not once have you or anyone give and substance you just call names and each reply it gets worse.

Third post - no character assination, just a response to something Doug expressed about the Vietnam war. Which doug does need to learn some history.

Fourth post - no character assination.

Then we have the lovely invite. That is when it broke open.

Enter your forum, what is waiting? a lambasting.

Mac didnot blog about the emails first DOUG DID!

Sheesh you keep with the lies and you clamour for honesty!

Doublestandards, hate it!!

11:19 AM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

You really need to lighten up and take a pill.

Second, I am a fictious character and I have no assets or even address. PLus parody is widely allowed. It is an obvious parody and joke. REally. Have fun with it. There are some funny lines there. Yer kinda wound a little tight (reminds me of "Francis" from Stripes". Now identify which one is you so I can put some Francis words there, okay? guys can dish it but can;t take a bit.

12:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah finally, you are admiting to the truth of the forums, yay!!!

There was no personal public attack. What was written was no different than what Doug did.

YOu kept it underground, inwhich you smell like a rose to the public.

Oh now we have lawyers involved? are you serious fusion?

You can degrade and lambast and attempt to emotionally hurt someone on the underground and someone who is honest and public is to be sued?

Fusion, get a grip, you are going emo on us.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

I'm not sure you can really call it "intellectual".

If you want to argue your point show me it's intelligence.

I see no copyright information on your site, just a free posting of pictures. No different than my sites.

I do see you are the "poster child" for Doug.

You have the audacity to come onto my sites and say all manner of vile things then complain if someone visits your site and takes a good look?

One of my favorie things is to beat people with their own weapon.

By the way, just be be clear and fair. I rather like your site. It has a nice layout. I did note that you have had exactly like NO ONE post on your forums and your "art gallery" consists of basically photos from a few trips.

Still, you seem to have some artistic talent and I wish you well.

Let me ask you this...when you embarked down this trail, on my site, what exactly did you think "the beatings" meant?

Are you so naive?

I haven't even gotten started. Better run now boy.

Mac sends his condelences. I feel no pity.

12:48 PM  
Blogger Obi-Mac BakDon said...

Your response is too heart-felt and vulnerable to just do a response to. give me a few. Thanks

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear your distress for your friends and family in florida and lousiana. Hopefully you have been able to make some contact with them?
If there is any information for helping in aide to folks in those areas let me know, and i will do what i can do to help with relief.

Your post was so beautiful. please know i never intended to hurt you or anyone on the furoms. I am sorry that it got as far as it did.
I hope that some cool discussion on peoples various views will help all of us to understand.

2:51 PM  

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